Keeping On Top of Things

It does get very tempting to slow down but do try to keep going and to keep on top of things. Some things you can work on right now are

Edit Your Goal List

You started with a number of goals at the beginning of the year so you now it is the time to circle round and take a look at it again. You could be the best goal setter known to man, but that doesn’t mean you’ll do everything you set out to do on that list. Things happen and the world works in mysterious ways, and some things do fall by the wayside.

It is time to edit and make sure that the goals that were laid have been achieved or they must be removed altogether. Goals are good yes but sometimes they are not possible. Do some editing and make the list a little more realistic.

Touch Base

Talk with someone you trust, a mentor, friend, partner or journal the thoughts. You need to go over some things in your life that you are putting off, avoiding, celebrating or planning to start. Go over them and make sure they are in line with your present situation.

Sometimes we plan things in our head and carry them around with us without actually voicing them. With each contact in real life or journaled you give yourself the chance to weed out stuff and remove the unnecessary and the wishful thinking.

Reward Your Street Team

Who’s been tooting your horn in the streets? Who’s been reading and sharing your posts consistently? Who’s been in there early to start up the numbers that are now growing your business, follower numbers and fan base via word of mouth? Your street team!

If you have a street team, it’s now the right time to think of rewarding them for giving you a boost. Keep your team up-to-date on what is going to happen and when it will happen. Let them know, that you are thinking of them and will be showing some appreciation for this.

An essential point here is to distinguish what they want from the ‘type’ of person you assume they are. This is said because we often spend too much money on a gift, hoping the recipient will appreciate the expenditure but, this backfires more often than not.

Dig deep and find gifts your recipients will be happy to receive and appreciate if not cherish.


Sharing quick read articles around work, money and adulting life with selective interviews and quotes.